Yearly Archive: 2020

Il sistema di biocontenimento A.T.ISOL a bordo del C-27J

Il sistema di biocontenimento A.T.ISOL a bordo del C-27J

Recentemente, presso lo stabilimento di Caselle Sud della Divisione Velivoli, sono state condotte una serie di prove per l’integrazione del sistema di biocontenimento A.T.ISOL (Aircraft Transit ISOlator) a bordo di un velivolo da trasporto tattico multimissione C-27J Spartan
L’attività è stata realizzata con il supporto degli specialisti del fornitore del sistema, la OMP, su un velivolo di prossima consegna ad una forza aerea cliente.

One USMC squadron to replace VMFA(AW)-242 in Japan next month

The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) will bring in another F/A-18 squadron from the United States to replace VMFA(AW)-242 in Japan next month. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Lauren Brune / Public domain VMFA(AW)-242 is set to transition to the F-35 from October. For more information, hit the Source below Source

AFRL’s ROBOpilot is back flying again

ROBOpilot, a project by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Center for Rapid Innovation (CRI) and DZYNE Technologies Incorporated, has resumed flying on Sept. 24 after an accident last year. Photo: USAF The ROBOpilot is a converted Cessna 206 that allows the light aircraft to fly unmanned. The magic of it is that no permanent […]
Georgia unveils its Spanish-made drones

Georgia unveils its Spanish-made drones

Georgia has unveiled two types of drones that it has purchased from Spain. It was shown to Georgian Minister of Defense Irakli Garibashvili during his visit to Marneuli air base. One is the Alpha 800 VTOL drone and the other is the Atlantic-I.
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