Yearly Archive: 2020

La guerra sui mari fra britannici e tedeschi: l’affondamento della Bismarck (1941)

La guerra sui mari fra britannici e tedeschi: l’affondamento della Bismarck (1941)

Nel maggio del 1941, il Regno Unito e i suoi dominion si ritrovarono senza alleati, dopo quasi due anni dall’inizio del secondo conflitto mondiale. La Francia fu sconfitta e umiliata e l’esercito britannico fu cacciato dal continente.

La situazione era alquanto drammatica. Gli aerei tedeschi bombardavano ogni notte le città inglesi. Gli Stati Uniti, nazione amica, rimaneva neutrale e l’Unione Sovietica era ancora legata al patto Molotov-Ribbentrop del 1939.

AH-64E V6 being deployed to South Korea

The U.S. Army is preparing to deploy its latest variant of the AH-64E attack helicopter to the 4th Aerial Reconnaissance Battalion (Attack), 2nd Aviation Regiment at Camp Humphreys, South Korea. Photo: Mr. William C. Beach, Audiovisual Production Specialist, Test Documentation Team, U.S. Army Operational Test Command However, the unit will have to wait for its […]

MQ-9s collided over Syria

The U.S. military lost two MQ-9 unmanned air vehicles over Syria when both aircraft collided with each other in mid-air, Milliary Times reported. A defense official told the publication that while there were indications that both drones collided, whether it was due to enemy fire is still unclear at the moment. Locals had photographed the […]
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