Multiple Restarts of Launch Vehicle Stages – ISRO Successfully Carried Out Ignition Trial Using Spark Torch Igniter
Cryogenic Upper Stage steering engine ignition testISRO is developing Lox-Methane engine and stages for the Next Generation Launch Vehicle, which uses a reusable booster stage and two expendable upper stages. In this configuration, multiple restarts will be essential for the booster stage recovery as well as restarting the upper stage for mission flexibility.The Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (
Cryogenic Upper Stage steering engine ignition testISRO is developing Lox-Methane engine and stages for the Next Generation Launch Vehicle, which uses a reusable booster stage and two expendable upper stages. In this configuration, multiple restarts will be essential for the booster stage recovery as well as restarting the upper stage for mission flexibility.The Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (
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