Category: Notizie Estero

India Refuses to Accept Japanese Planes On Ukraine Aid Mission

India Refuses to Accept Japanese Planes On Ukraine Aid Mission

Self-Defense Forces aircraft will now not stop over in India en route to delivering aid supplies to Ukrainian evacuees, it was learned Tuesday.

The ruling Liberal Democratic party approved at a meeting the same day the government’s plan to send SDF aircraft to airlift aid supplies to Poland and R…

NATO Minehunters Visit and Exercise with Finnish Navy

NATO Minehunters Visit and Exercise with Finnish Navy

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) visits Turku 25 – 27 April 2022. After the visit the SNMCMG1 will participate in an exercise lead by the Coastal Fleet in the Archipelago Sea 28 – 29 April 2022. The exercise prepares the Katanpää-class Mine Hunters for the upcoming NRF readiness …
Finnish Defence Forces to Upgrade its Combat Simulators

Finnish Defence Forces to Upgrade its Combat Simulators

In the years 2022–2024, the Finnish Defence Forces will upgrade and supplement the simulator system in training use (KASI) as part of a project for simulated combat environment (SITY). The product procurements will enable continuing the use of the existing live simulators to support troop training u…
Aurora Tests Improved MIDAS Counter-UAS System

Aurora Tests Improved MIDAS Counter-UAS System

Aurora Flight Sciences, a Boeing Company, recently completed a project to advance the capabilities of its Modular Intercept Drone Avionics Set (MIDAS) counter-unmanned aircraft system (C-UAS). Aurora engineers designed, implemented, and tested improvements to the drone engagement device (DED) and on…
spanish Defense Minister Inspects S-80 Submarine in Shipyard

spanish Defense Minister Inspects S-80 Submarine in Shipyard

The Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, traveled to Cartagena today to find out about the status of the S-80 submarine program, in particular the progress made in the tests of the S-81 ‘Isaac Peral’. She also visited the Navy Diving Center and the Salvage and Rescue Ship ‘Neptune’.

“The Spanish N…

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