Category: Notizie Estero

Pending Review: MPs Call for Reset of Britain’s Defence Posture

Pending Review: MPs Call for Reset of Britain’s Defence Posture

The Defence Committee today publishes its report “In Search of Strategy – The 2020 Integrated Review”. The Report underscores the need for strong political leadership and strategic analysis to inform the UK’s future defence posture and urges the Government to include a thorough assessment of the eco…
New Agreements Signed to Enhance Growler Capability

New Agreements Signed to Enhance Growler Capability

Australia has expanded its partnership with the United States to develop the Next Generation Jammer system for the EA-18G Growler.

This unique, high-end capability can disrupt, deceive or deny a broad range of military electronic systems, including radars and communications.

Minister for Defen…

USAF Details $635M National Security Space Launch Contracts

USAF Details $635M National Security Space Launch Contracts

WASHINGTON — The Space and Missile Systems Center, in partnership with the National Reconnaissance Office, competitively awarded two firm-fixed-price, indefinite delivery requirement contracts for National Security Space launch services to United Launch Alliance LLC and SpaceX Aug. 7.

“This is…

HH-60W Jolly Green II Begins Aerial Refueling Tests

HH-60W Jolly Green II Begins Aerial Refueling Tests

EGLIN AFB, Fla. — Approximately 3,000 feet above Eglin Air Force Base, the HH-60W Jolly Green II connected with a HC-130J tanker for the inaugural aerial refueling by the Air Force’s newest combat search and rescue helicopter, Aug. 5.

The connection marked the start of two weeks of developmenta…

Textron to Supply Two Cessna Grand Caravans to Rwanda

Textron to Supply Two Cessna Grand Caravans to Rwanda

WICHITA, Kan. — Textron Aviation today announced it was awarded a contract by ATI Engineering Services, LLC for two multi-mission Cessna Grand Caravan EX aircraft for the Rwanda Defense Force (RDF) in support of the African Partnership Flight initiative.

This will be the first fixed-wing aircr…

Another civilian-owned ISR aircraft has arrived in Japan

Another civilian-owned ISR aircraft has arrived in Japan

N334CA, a Beechcraft 350 Super King Air turboprop aircraft modified for ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) missions has arrived in Japan. 怪しいB350(N334CA)がPASYより飛来。胴体上下にデカいフェアリング、各所にアンテナてんこ盛り。そしてノーズギアと後部フィンにはレジとは異なる351の文字。久々にテンション上がる機体でした。#RJCC #新千歳空港2020/8/17 — Go●gleあーす (@STKontheearth) August 17, 2020 The aircraft was spotted at New Chitose Airport, Japan after a flight from Eareckson Air Station, Alaskan Aleutian Islands. It had apparently made a stop […]
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