Category: Notizie Estero
US Urges N. Korea to Halt Missile Test ‘Provocations’ as UNSC Meets
“We should not look at this most…
Airbus Pushes New H175M for UK Puma Replacement
Taiwan’s Brave Eagle Jet Trainer Makes Maiden Flight
With China stepping up its intimidation of Taiwan by sending its warplanes into the country’s air defense ide…
German Defense Minister Warns Europeans Not to Detach from NATO
Kramp-Karrenbauer is doubling down on her dismissal of the idea of European strategic autonomy, which sparked a diplomatic blow-up with French President Emmanuel Macron, and which she sees as far…
First Aksungur Maritime Patrol Drone Delivered to Turkish Navy
In a Twitter statement, the head of the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), Ismail Demir sa…