Category: Notizie Estero

Modified ASM-3 supersonic anti-ship missile revealed

The ASM-3 supersonic anti-ship missile being developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has undergone modifications, a photo posted by Japan’s State Minister for National Defense Tomohiro Yamamoto has revealed. Photos: Office of Tomohiro Yamamoto The missile appeared under the wing of a F-2 fighter in a group photo taken at MHI’s Komaki plant. The weapon […]

Japan has decided to operate its F-35Bs on JS Izumo

Japan published its 2020 Defense White Paper today and in the section on the F-35B, the government has confirmed that the stealth fighter will operate from the Izumo-class helicopter destroyer. By Kaijō Jieitai (海上自衛隊 / Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force) ( [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons The paper says this is in response to the […]
French Rafales Strike ISIS Targets in Iraq

French Rafales Strike ISIS Targets in Iraq

On July 1, a Rafale patrol from the advanced air base in the Levant, and assigned to monitor an area in northern Iraq, was tasked to strike against a position occupied by Daesh. Contacted by Coalition troops who had spotted terrorists at the entrance to some caves and after obtaining double approval…
US Navy Amphibious Ship Destroyed in Spectacular Fire

US Navy Amphibious Ship Destroyed in Spectacular Fire

WASHINGTON — A fire suppression system aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard was under maintenance and not operational when the devastating fire, believed to have originated in the cargo hold of the ship, broke out Sunday morning, a senior Navy officer said Monday.

As of Monday, 34 sailors and 23 civ…

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