Four F-35Cs from VMFA-314 participated in Exercise Summer Fury 20
Exercise Summer Fury 20 took place in California last month and four F-35Cs from VMFA-314 participated in a long-range strike against simulated threats during the war games.

The Black Knights were joined by F-35Bs from VMFA-122 at NAS Lemoore. VMFA-232 participated with four F/A-18 Hornets along with four AV-Bs from VMA-311.
All sixteen fighters were given aerial refueling support from VMGR-352 and Omega Air. Approximately 250,000 pounds of fuel was made available by the tankers.
Forward arming and refueling points (FARP) were also established at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore and Naval Air Facility (NAF) China Lake to support expeditionary advanced base operations (EABO).
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