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US Destroyed Dozens of Drones, Six Ballistic Missiles Aimed At Israel From Iran, Yemen, Says Its Military

US Destroyed Dozens of Drones, Six Ballistic Missiles Aimed At Israel From Iran, Yemen, Says Its Military

Amid rising tensions between Israel and Iran, US military said on Monday that they have destroyed more than 80 drones and at least six ballistic missiles aimed at Israel from Iran and Yemen, Al Jazeera reported.In an official post on X, US Central Command (CENTCOM) stated on Monday, "On April 13 and the morning of April 14, US Central Command (CENTCOM) forces, supported by US European Command

Philippines Likely To Become The First Export Customer For HAL’s Light Combat Helicopter ‘Prachand’

Philippines Likely To Become The First Export Customer For HAL’s Light Combat Helicopter ‘Prachand’

HAL’s CMD CB Ananthakrishnan shares insights in the exclusive series "On the
Shop Floor", hosted by renowned defence analyst Nitin A Gokhale, underscoring
the company’s strategic move to bolster its production capacity and position
it as a prominent global exporter

Nitin Gokhale began the interview by saying that the order book of HAL is full
for the next 3 to 4 years. C B

Fornitura attrezzature varie per la manutenzione degli automezzi in lavorazione presso l’officina del 2° Gruppo M.A. – CIG B142BE1FC2

Fornitura attrezzature varie per la manutenzione degli automezzi in lavorazione presso l’officina del 2° Gruppo M.A. – CIG B142BE1FC2

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The post Fornitura attrezzature varie per la manutenzione degli automezzi in lavorazione presso l’officina del 2° Gruppo M.A. – CIG B142BE1FC2 appeared first on Aeronautica Militare.

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