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North Korea Confirms It Test Fired New Hypersonic Missile

North Korea Confirms It Test Fired New Hypersonic Missile

Pyongyang: North Korea leader Kim Jong Un attended and oversaw the test launch of a brand new intermediate-range sold fuel missile that carried a hypersonic warhead on Tuesday, the country’s official state media was cited as saying by Kyodo NewsAccording to Korean Central News Agency Kim Jong Un, attended the test launch of the solid fuel-powered Hwasong-16 missile in a Pyongyang suburb and

UKPNP Exposes Pakistan At United Nations For Operating Terror Camps And Violating Human Rights In PoK

UKPNP Exposes Pakistan At United Nations For Operating Terror Camps And Violating Human Rights In PoK

Geneva: The United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) has exposed Pakistan for operating terror camps, violating human rights, and exploiting natural resources in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Gilgit Baltistan during an event at the United Nations.The event, titled "Human Rights in Pakistan," took place during the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on

‘PoK Not Part of Pakistan By Constitution,’ Says Awami Action Committee Leader

‘PoK Not Part of Pakistan By Constitution,’ Says Awami Action Committee Leader

Mirpur: Arif Chaudhry, a prominent leader of the Joint Awami Action Committee’s Mirpur chapter, held a press conference at the Mirpur Press Club on Tuesday, addressing the Pakistani administration’s disregard for the people of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK).Chaudhry emphasised the lack of fulfilment of promised rights and resources for PoK residents, highlighting Mirpur’s repeated sacrifices for

Polonia: avvicendamento al Comando della Task Force Air 4th Wing White Eagle II. Il Colonnello Gianluigi Colucci subentra al parigrado Antonio Vergallo

MALBORK (POLONIA). Nei giorni scorsi, si è svolta la cerimonia di avvicendamento al Comando della Task Force Air 4th Wing White Eagle II tra il Colonnello Gianluigi Colucci (subentrante) e il parigrado Antonio Vergallo (cedente). Alla cerimonia, presso la 22ª Base Aerea dell’Aeronautica polacca, erano presenti numerose autorità miliari e civili polacche e il vice Comandante del COVI (Comando Operativo di Vertice Interforze), Generale di Squadra Aerea Nicola Lanza de Cristoforis che, nel suo intervento, ha voluto sottolineare l’importanza del lavoro svolto dalla Task Force Air al servizio della NATO. Nel contempo ha richiamato l’importante sacrificio cui sono partecipi anche

L’articolo Polonia: avvicendamento al Comando della Task Force Air 4th Wing White Eagle II. Il Colonnello Gianluigi Colucci subentra al parigrado Antonio Vergallo proviene da Report Difesa.

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