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Thousands Demonstrate Against Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban In Budapest

Thousands Demonstrate Against Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban In Budapest

Budapest: Tens of thousands of people protested against Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s administration in downtown Budapest on Saturday, according to Al Jazeera.Peter Magyar, 43, a former government insider turned critic who was formerly married to Judit Varga, Orban’s former justice minister, spearheaded the demonstration on Saturday.Aiming to bring together conservative and liberal

Mexico Severs Diplomatic Ties With Ecuador Following Embassy Raid

Mexico Severs Diplomatic Ties With Ecuador Following Embassy Raid

Mexico City: Mexico has announced the suspension of diplomatic relations with Ecuador after Ecuadorian authorities forcibly entered its embassy in Quito and apprehended former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had sought refuge there, Al Jazeera reported.Vice President Jorge Glas, a two-time corruption convict, had been residing in the Mexican embassy since December, citing persecution by Ecuadorian

Divengono pienamente operativi e rappresentativi i sindacati militari

Divengono pienamente operativi e rappresentativi i sindacati militari

È stato pubblicato oggi in Gazzetta Ufficiale il decreto del Ministro per la Pubblica Amministrazione, on. Paolo Zangrillo, d’intesa con il ministro della Difesa, on. Guido Crosetto ed il ministro dell’Economia e delle Finanze, Giancarlo Giorgetti, con il quale le Associazioni Professionali a Carattere Sindacale tra Militari (APCSM) divengono pienamente operative e rappresentative del personale delle Forze Armate, dell’Arma dei Carabinieri e della Guardia di Finanza.

India Bolsters Nuclear Deterrence And Strike Capabilities With Advanced Missile Tests And Submarine Capabilities

India Bolsters Nuclear Deterrence And Strike Capabilities With Advanced Missile Tests And Submarine Capabilities

The Agni-IV and Agni-V systems, includes advanced rocket motors, avionics, and navigation systemsIndia’s Strategic Forces Command (SFC), also known as the Strategic Nuclear Command, is undergoing a significant overhaul with the introduction of new missile technologies. In its latest move, India successfully tested the new-generation Agni-Prime ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers,

Rafale, Congress’s Top 2019 Flopped Plank, Finds Mention In 2024 Election Manifesto

Rafale, Congress’s Top 2019 Flopped Plank, Finds Mention In 2024 Election Manifesto

Party drafts own anti-corruption pitch to counter PM’s offensive, vows to probe charges against defectorsNew Delhi: Alleged corruption in the Rafale fighter jet deal — the Congress party’s principal plank in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections — stood reduced to a single mention in the party’s 48-page 2024 manifesto released on Friday.‘Time to reset economic policy’The Congress on Friday slammed

Army Issues AoN For Procurement of Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) System

Army Issues AoN For Procurement of Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) System

Indian Army has issued an AoN for procurement of Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) System with accessories for Mechanised Infantry in Buy IDIAN (Indigenously Designed, Developed and Manufactured-IDDM) Defence Procurement Procedure.The Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) System is a pre-loaded canister with a drone or loiter ammunition. It can destroy

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