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L’Aeronautica Militare incontra gli studenti per la Giornata Meteorologica Mondiale

Il 23 marzo si celebra in tutto il mondo la Giornata Meteorologica Mondiale, istituita nel 1961 per ricordare l’entrata in vigore il 23 marzo del 1950 della Convenzione sull’Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale (OMM).Per l’occasione, l’Aeronautica Militare ha organizzato questa mattina a Roma, presso il Palazzo della FAO, un incontro con oltre 400 studenti delle scuole superiori […]

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Cerimonia di premiazione della fondazione Carnegie per gli atti di eroismo

Cerimonia di premiazione della fondazione Carnegie per gli atti di eroismo

/*! elementor – v3.19.0 – 26-02-2024 */ .elementor-column .elementor-spacer-inner{height:var(–spacer-size)}.e-con{–container-widget-width:100%}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer{width:var(–container-widget-width,var(–spacer-size));–align-self:var(–container-widget-align-self,initial);–flex-shrink:0}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container{height:100%;width:100%}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer{height:100%}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner{height:var(–container-widget-height,var(–spacer-size))}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty{position:relative;min-height:22px;min-width:22px}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty .elementor-widget-empty-icon,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer.elementor-widget-empty .elementor-widget-empty-icon{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;margin:auto;padding:0;width:22px;height:22px} Il Tenente Colonnello Paolo Candreva è stato insignito della Medaglia d’argentoVenerdì 22 marzo, presso il Viminale, il Generale di Squadra Aerea Giandomenico Taricco, Comandante del Comando Aeronautica Militare Roma (COMAER) ha partecipato, in rappresentanza della Forza Armata, alla cerimonia di premiazione della fondazione Carnegie […]

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As India Gets Ready To Test-Fire Another Ballistic Missile, 4th Chinese Spy Ship Heads To Indian Ocean

As India Gets Ready To Test-Fire Another Ballistic Missile, 4th Chinese Spy Ship Heads To Indian Ocean

The Chinese have already deployed the Xiang Yang Hong-01 and Xiang Yang Hong-02, oceanographic survey and research ships along with Da Yang Hao in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)New Delhi: With India planning to test at least one more nuclear ballistic missile in the next two weeks, a new Chinese spy ship has started its movement into the Indian Ocean Region.Once the Yuan Wang-03, a ship that has

Indian Army Develops Portable Multi Target Detonation Device

Indian Army Develops Portable Multi Target Detonation Device

New Delhi: The Indian Army achieved another milestone with the patenting of the Portable Multi Target Detonation Device (WEDC), a ground breaking innovation developed by Major Rajprasad RS of the Corps of Engineers.The device was developed by Major Rajprasad RS of the Corps of Engineers and patented. It is a microprocessor-based electronic system that functions using both wired and wireless modes

MIRA Aerospace And VEDA Aeronautics Collaborate To Bring Advanced High Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS) Solutions To India

MIRA Aerospace And VEDA Aeronautics Collaborate To Bring Advanced High Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS) Solutions To India

New HAPS solutions specifically designed for Indian Defence and Civilian clients. Deploying the first HAPS in the Indian market sets a new benchmark for the adoption of this technology in Asia and beyondABU DHABI: Mira Aerospace, a joint venture between Bayanat and UAVOS to develop and manufacture High Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS), and VEDA Aeronautics, an Indian Aerospace & Defence

India Urgently Needs Mid-Air Refuelers

India Urgently Needs Mid-Air Refuelers

The Indian Air Force had said that it required 18 fuellers if the branch wanted to extend the range of its growing fleet.2 hours agoThe Indian Air Force (IAF) has been exploring options to procure six mid-air refuelers crucial to extending the range of its increasing fleet of fighter aircraft of Rafales, Su-30MKIs, Jaguars and indigenous Light Combat Aircraft.Two bids released between 2006 and

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