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Gilgit-Baltistan Gripped By Protests As Residents Demand Basic Rights Amid Economic Woes

Gilgit-Baltistan Gripped By Protests As Residents Demand Basic Rights Amid Economic Woes

Gilgit-Baltistan: In Gilgit-Baltistan, the fervour for fundamental rights has erupted into widespread protests, with political, religious, and social organisations expressing discontent over the government’s decision to hike wheat prices and discontinue subsidies.The local residents are vehemently opposed to issues such as load shedding, inflation, and the absence of essential amenities in the

Difesa: arrivati a La Spezia, a bordo di Nave “Vulcano” 18 bambini palestinesi con i loro familiari. Saranno trasferiti nei vari ospedali pediatrici in Italia

LA SPEZIA. Sono, in Italia, 18 bambini palestinesi e ai loro familiari, arrivati oggi a La Spezia, a bordo di “Nave Vulcano” della Marina Militare. “Colgo l’occasione per salutare e ringraziare, a nome della Difesa – ha commentato il ministro Guido Crosetto – il personale medico del Qatar giunto con Nave Vulcano, che ha collaborato con noi in questi mesi fornendo un prezioso supporto a bordo. L’instancabile lavoro della Difesa a favore di chi ha bisogno però non finisce qui. Nei prossimi giorni, infatti, con un volo speciale dell’Aeronautica Militare, verranno trasferiti in Italia altri bambini palestinesi dall’Egitto”. “Abbiamo inoltre

L’articolo Difesa: arrivati a La Spezia, a bordo di Nave “Vulcano” 18 bambini palestinesi con i loro familiari. Saranno trasferiti nei vari ospedali pediatrici in Italia proviene da Report Difesa.

Russia Woos India With Reduced Costs And Promises of Su-75 ‘Checkmate’ Stealth Fighter

Russia Woos India With Reduced Costs And Promises of Su-75 ‘Checkmate’ Stealth Fighter

The endeavour of Russia to enhance the fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-75 ‘Checkmate’ single-engine combat aircraft program is facing a bit of a hurdle. The project cannot move forward with just state funding. Last year, potential partnership discussions were initiated with the United Arab Emirates [UAE].Today, the opportunity to become partners with India has made its way to the table. ROSTEC has

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