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Fornitura di materiale  di consumo per la manutenzione degli automezzi presso l’officina del 2° Gr.M.A. di Forlì. CIG B0805860AA

Fornitura di materiale  di consumo per la manutenzione degli automezzi presso l’officina del 2° Gr.M.A. di Forlì. CIG B0805860AA

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The post Fornitura di materiale  di consumo per la manutenzione degli automezzi presso l’officina del 2° Gr.M.A. di Forlì. CIG B0805860AA appeared first on Aeronautica Militare.

servizio di manutenzione del ponte sollevatore a pantografo  marca  OMER  tipo  VEGA  200  MATR.  94.01032001  presso  l’officina  del  2° Gr. M.A. Forlì.  – CIG. B0C1F02083

servizio di manutenzione del ponte sollevatore a pantografo  marca  OMER  tipo  VEGA  200  MATR.  94.01032001  presso  l’officina  del  2° Gr. M.A. Forlì.  – CIG. B0C1F02083

RDO NR 4116039 Scarica il bando Torna a Bandi di Gara servizio di manutenzione del ponte sollevatore a pantografo  marca  OMER  tipo  VEGA  200  MATR.  94.01032001  presso  l’officina  del  2° Gr. M.A. Forlì.  – CIG. B0C1F02083 Scarica il bando Torna a Bandi di Gara

The post servizio di manutenzione del ponte sollevatore a pantografo  marca  OMER  tipo  VEGA  200  MATR.  94.01032001  presso  l’officina  del  2° Gr. M.A. Forlì.  – CIG. B0C1F02083 appeared first on Aeronautica Militare.

servizio di manutenzione del ponte sollevatore a pantografo  marca  OMER  tipo  VEGA  200  MATR.  94.01032001  presso  l’officina  del  2° Gr. M.A. Forlì.  – CIG. B0C1F02083

servizio di manutenzione del ponte sollevatore a pantografo  marca  OMER  tipo  VEGA  200  MATR.  94.01032001  presso  l’officina  del  2° Gr. M.A. Forlì.  – CIG. B0C1F02083

Second ‘Space Shuttle – PUSHPAK Viman’ Autonomous Landing Successful

Second ‘Space Shuttle – PUSHPAK Viman’ Autonomous Landing Successful

ISRO successfully conducted the Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission (RLV-LEX-02). The test was conducted at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR), Chitradurga, Karnataka in the early hours on March 22, 2024 at 7:10 hrs IST, the first mission was conducted on April 2, 2023 also at 7:10 hrs IST.RLV-LEX-02 demonstrated the autonomous landing capability of RLV from off-nominal initial

AGNIBAAN Mission Launch Postponed Due To Technical Issues

AGNIBAAN Mission Launch Postponed Due To Technical Issues

The postponement of the AGNIBAAN Suborbital Technological Demonstrator (SOrTeD) Mission launch was attributed to technical glitches encountered during the pre-launch preparations.Agnikul Cosmos, an IIT-Madras incubated start-up, announced the postponement of its inaugural rocket launch on Thursday, citing a ‘technical issue’. The Chennai-based company had scheduled the launch of the mission

Watch: India’s 21st Century Pushpak ‘Viman’ Successfully Launched

Watch: India’s 21st Century Pushpak ‘Viman’ Successfully Launched

The outcomes of the test were "excellent and precise", said sources in the
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

New Delhi: Pushpak, an SUV-sized winged rocket dubbed the "Swadeshi Space Shuttle", successfully landed on a runway in Karnataka this morning, marking a major
milestone in the country’s attempt to enter the reusable rocket segment.

The rocket was dropped from an

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