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Indian Navy Will Become ‘Aatmanirbhar’ By 2047 Admiral R Hari Kumar

Indian Navy Will Become ‘Aatmanirbhar’ By 2047 Admiral R Hari Kumar

Pune: Indian Navy will become "Aatmanirbhar" (self-reliant) by 2047, Admiral R Hari Kumar said on Monday and also appealed to industry for help in achieving this goal.He said self-reliance meant manufacturing every ship, submarine, aircraft, and weapon system in India."The Indian navy is committed to achieving Atmanirbharta and we have promised the national leadership that we will become

Approvata la missione “Aspides” dall’Unione Europea

Approvata la missione “Aspides” dall’Unione Europea

“L’UE ha approvato l’attivazione della missione Aspides a difesa del traffico mercantile occidentale nel Mar Rosso” afferma il sottosegretario di stato alla difesa Matteo Perego di Cremnago “la guerra ibrida che gli Houti stanno portando avanti nello stretto di Bab el-Mandeb, tagliando le vie di comunicazione che alimentano numerosi Paesi, come detto anche dal ministro Crosetto, in una zona di mare strategica; può danneggiare la stabilità economica occidentale.

Primo volo a Torino del dimostratore tecnologico europeo integrato sul velivolo Leonardo C-27J

Primo volo a Torino del dimostratore tecnologico europeo integrato sul velivolo Leonardo C-27J

Il velivolo C-27J Flying Test Bed, dimostratore tecnologico del programma europeo Clean Sky 2, ha concluso a Torino-Caselle la campagna di dimostrazione tecnologica REG IADP – Regional Integrated Aircraft Demonstration Platform.

La dimostrazione in volo porta a conclusione il ciclo di sviluppo tecnologico avviato 10 anni fa in ambito europeo con il coordinamento di Leonardo ed il coinvolgimento di un’importante filiera nazionale integrata con un ecosistema europeo altamente qualificato, con oltre 100 partner tra PMI, Centri di Ricerca, Università ed Industrie.

A Two-Day INDUS-X Summit To Be Held In New Delhi

A Two-Day INDUS-X Summit To Be Held In New Delhi

The much-anticipated INDUS-X Summit is scheduled to be held on February 20-21, 2024 in New Delhi, marking a significant milestone in the collaborative efforts between India and the United States in defence innovation. Organised by Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) under the Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, and Department of Defence (DoD), United States, in

MoS Muraleedharan To Represent India At G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting In Brazil

MoS Muraleedharan To Represent India At G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting In Brazil

New Delhi: The Minister of State for External Affairs and Parliamentary Affairs, V Muraleedharan, is set to represent India at the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (FMM) in Rio de Janeiro from February 21-22.Notably, Brazil assumed the presidency from India on December 20, 2023, and the G20 Foreign Minister’s Meeting would be the first ministerial meeting under the Brazilian Presidency, the

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