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Trump, Biden Hope For Decisive Victories As Americans Vote In Primary Contests On Super Tuesday

Trump, Biden Hope For Decisive Victories As Americans Vote In Primary Contests On Super Tuesday

Washington: After millions of Americans voted on Super Tuesday, one of the most significant days in the US presidential primaries, the results are expected to solidify both Donald Trump and Joe Biden as their respective party’s nominees for the general election in November.Super Tuesday, is notably when the largest number of states hold presidential primaries or caucuses. Registered voters in the

Difesa: il ministro Crosetto esprime soddisfazione per l’approvazione delle nuove missioni da parte del Parlamento

ANKARA. Il ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto esprime la sua soddisfazione per l’approvazione delle due nuove missioni, Aspides e Levante, avvenuta con il voto quasi unanime del Parlamento. “ Esprimo la mia soddisfazione per l’approvazione del Parlamento che dà il via a due nuove operazioni: Aspides e Levante. Con Aspides l’Italia e l’Unione Europea hanno risposto in maniera coesa agli attacchi terroristici degli Houthi che stanno ostacolando la libertà di navigazione nello stretto di Bab el-Mandeb e nel Mar Rosso. La missione, a carattere difensivo, garantirà il libero transito delle navi lungo le rotte commerciali del Mar Rosso, da cui

L’articolo Difesa: il ministro Crosetto esprime soddisfazione per l’approvazione delle nuove missioni da parte del Parlamento proviene da Report Difesa.

Amid Its Myriad Hostile Conflicts Across The Globe; China Ramps Up Defence Budget By 7.2%

Amid Its Myriad Hostile Conflicts Across The Globe; China Ramps Up Defence Budget By 7.2%

China’s DF-31 third-generation long-range, road-mobile, three stage, solid-fuel rocket ICBMTop Indian naval commanders are holding a conference onboard INS Vikramaditya today off the coast of GoaNew Delhi: With the Chinese annual defence budget crossing seven per cent for the third consecutive year even though the economy is slowing down, its political and military ramifications will be felt by

Indian Navy Responds To Drone Attack On Merchant Ship In Gulf of Aden

Indian Navy Responds To Drone Attack On Merchant Ship In Gulf of Aden

The Indian Navy swiftly responded to a drone strike on a Liberian-flagged commercial vessel in the Gulf of Aden by Houthi militants. INS Kolkata provided prompt assistance, ensuring safety and conducting a risk assessment.The Indian Navy on Tuesday said it "swiftly" responded in assisting a Liberian-flagged commercial vessel after it came under a drone strike in the Gulf of Aden. The fresh

No Indian Troops To Remain In Maldives, Not Even In Civilian Clothing: Mohamed Muizzu

No Indian Troops To Remain In Maldives, Not Even In Civilian Clothing: Mohamed Muizzu

Male: Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu has said that no Indian military personnel will remain in the country after May 10, be it in uniform or civilian clothing, Maldives-based The Edition reported.While addressing the residential community of Baa Atoll Eydhafushi, he said that the Indian military will not reside in Maldives in any form of clothing after May 10. Muizzu said that people who

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