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Incontro Meloni-Stoltenberg: il Premier spinge affinché l’Alleanza Atlantica metta in campo iniziative concrete sul “fianco sud”
Di Fabrizio Scarinci ROMA. Nella giornata di ieri il Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni ha ricevuto a Palazzo Chigi il Segretario Generale della NATO Jens Stoltenberg, con cui ha avuto un incontro di circa un’ora. Durante il colloquio il Premier e Segretario Generale hanno avuto modo di discutere di quelli che saranno i maggiori temi al centro del prossimo vertice NATO di Washington (Ucraina e Medio Oriente in primis) e del contributo italiano all’Alleanza. Dopo l’incontro, Stoltenberg ha rilasciato una nota in cui ha spiegato di aver elogiato il nostro Paese, sia per il sostegno militare offerto all’Ucraina (ricordando, in
L’articolo Incontro Meloni-Stoltenberg: il Premier spinge affinché l’Alleanza Atlantica metta in campo iniziative concrete sul “fianco sud” proviene da Report Difesa.
Leonardo annuncia la cessione del business subacqueo “Underwater Armaments & Systems” a Fincantieri
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09.05.2024 – 20:10 | Finanziario | Informazione privilegiata Leonardo annuncia la cessione del business subacqueo “Underwater Armaments & Systems” a Fincantieri |
‘Landmark Achievement’: DMSRDE Develops Ramjet Fuel For Advanced Air-Breathing Engine
Calling it a ‘landmark achievement’, DRDO further informed that the fuel was
tested successfully at the Ramjet Testbed at the Defence Research and
Development Laboratory (DRDL) on May 8
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) announced in a recent
tweet on X that the Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development
Establishment (DMSRDE) has developed liquid
‘Our Government Has Not Permitted Chinese Vessel For Research In Maldivian Waters’: Maldives FM
New Delhi: Emphasising that "peace and security" of the Indian Ocean is important for countries in the neighbourhood including India, Maldivian Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer on Thursday said that his government has "not permitted the Chinese vessel" for research purposes in the Maldivian waters.The statement by the Maldivian Foreign Minister came in the wake of the Chinese marine research vessel
Defence Relations With India Go Beyond Military Personnel: Maldives Foreign Minister
New Delhi: Maldives Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer on Thursday said that his country’s defence relations with India go beyond military personnel and the two countries will work together to make the Indian Ocean a peaceful place.The Maldives Minister, who arrived in India on May 8, told ANI in an interview that the platforms that were being handled by Indian military personnel in his country, will