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GAIA risponde su Trump

GAIA risponde su Trump

In un mondo in cui il politicamente corretto od il politicamente “opportuno” dettano le regole dell’informazione ed oramai del pensiero, esiste una fonte neutra e neutrale capace di rispondere candidamente a quasi tutti i quesiti: l’Intelligenza Artificiale (salvo attuali e futuri algoritmi per imbavagliarla). ChatGPT è una versione accessibile a chiunque che fa comprendere potenzialità e pericoli di un’intelligenza spoglia delle tante maschere ed ipocrisie umane.

Al via il progetto NUT: monitorerà i cambiamenti fisiologici e microbiologici dei sommergibilisti

Al via il progetto NUT: monitorerà i cambiamenti fisiologici e microbiologici dei sommergibilisti

​Confinamento e isolamento sono aspetti critici per chi si avventura negli abissi oceanici o nello spazio. Ma cosa succede quando uniamo le forze per affrontarli insieme?

L’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, l’Università di Firenze, la Marina Militare e l’Aeronautica Militare hanno dato vita ad un progetto scientifico denominato NUT (dal nome della Dea del cielo, dei corpi celesti e dell’acqua) per esplorare i confini della vita umana in ambienti estremi.

Over 3,000 In Jammu And Kashmir Enrol In Skill India Digital Initiative

Over 3,000 In Jammu And Kashmir Enrol In Skill India Digital Initiative

As many as 3,148 people in Jammu and Kashmir have enrolled for various courses under the Skill India Digital initiative. Of them, 15 per cent of them are women, marking a significant milestone in promoting gender inclusivity in educationA total of 3,148 people from Jammu and Kashmir have enrolled in various courses under the Skill India Digital program since its launch in October 2023, data

Indian Coast Guard Ship Vikram Rescues 11 Crew From Stranded Vessel

Indian Coast Guard Ship Vikram Rescues 11 Crew From Stranded Vessel

The Indian Coast Guard Ship Vikram rescued 11 crew members of IFB King (IND-TN-12-MM-6466) stranded at high seas due to engine failureThe boat was safely towed from 280 nautical miles West of Minicoy Island and handed over to ICGS Minicoy, confirmed the ICG officials. It added that with collaborative effort with the Fisheries Department, the boat has been sheltered at Minicoy Harbour.Back in

In Major Diplomatic Triumph, Qatar Frees Navy Veterans Jailed On ‘Espionage’ Charges

In Major Diplomatic Triumph, Qatar Frees Navy Veterans Jailed On ‘Espionage’ Charges

New Delhi: In a major diplomatic triumph for India, eight veterans of the Indian Navy who were sentenced to death in Qatar, were released by Doha on Monday.The capital punishment was commuted to an extended prison term earlier following diplomatic intervention by New Delhi.Amid desperate pleas by the anxious kin of the Navy veterans to secure their release and safe passage back to their homeland,

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