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Ahmadi Mosque Desecrated In PoK

Ahmadi Mosque Desecrated In PoK

Kotli: A mosque belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in the Kotli district of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) was vandalized, the community that faces frequent attacks and persecution in Pakistan.Sources reveal that a group of 50 people equipped with hammers, shovels, and sticks formed a mob and stormed the mosque on Monday, injuring eight Ahmadi worshippers, including five women, and

White House Confirms Russia Developing ‘Anti-Satellite Capability’, Calls It ‘Troubling’

White House Confirms Russia Developing ‘Anti-Satellite Capability’, Calls It ‘Troubling’

Washington: The White House has confirmed that Russia is developing a capability to target satellites in space and called Moscow’s pursuit of this particular capability "troubling."White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby said the US is closely monitoring this Russian activity and will continue to take it seriously amid reports of Moscow reportedly developing a space-based

Il generale Carmine Masiello è il nuovo capo di stato maggiore dell’Esercito

Il generale Carmine Masiello è il nuovo capo di stato maggiore dell’Esercito

Il generale Carmine Masiello è stato nominato capo di stato maggiore dell’Esercito Italiano, su proposta del ministro della Difesa, Guido Crosetto. Questa nomina segna il passaggio di consegne dal generale Pietro Serino, il cui cambio avverrà il 27 febbraio.

Masiello porta con sé un’ampia esperienza maturata in vari ruoli strategici e operativi all’interno delle Forze Armate e delle istituzioni governative italiane.

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