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Indian Curbs To Propel Pakistan’s Rice Exports Towards Record High

Indian Curbs To Propel Pakistan’s Rice Exports Towards Record High

Pakistan’s rice exports are likely to jump to a record high in the year ending in June as rival India’s decision to curb its own shipments forces buyers to purchase more from Islamabad, which is offering the grain at nearly 16 year-high prices.The record exports are helping to alleviate tight supplies following the restrictions imposed last year by India, the world’s biggest exporter, and will

Taiwan Air Force Shows Off Its Sub Hunting, Early Warning Prowess

Taiwan Air Force Shows Off Its Sub Hunting, Early Warning Prowess

A Taiwan Air Force C-130 aircraft during a demonstration for the media at the Pingtung air baseTaiwan’s well-armed air force showcased its anti-submarine and early warning aircraft, emphasizing its vigilance over the skies and waters near the contested island claimed by China.Despite China’s assertive actions, Taiwan’s smaller yet well-equipped air force actively responds, employing Lockheed

Persecuzione dei Cristiani: Report 2024

Persecuzione dei Cristiani: Report 2024

La libertà religiosa è un diritto orfano della Dichiarazione Universale dei diritti umani, ossia è assai poco ambita e ricercata, pare che i leader dei paesi membri dell’ONU non siano ancora maturi per un dibattito vero su questo argomento”.

Persecuzione dei Cristiani e Report 2024, ne parliamo con Cristian Nani – presidente di Porte Aperte, base italiana di Open doors International, monitor internazionale e di analisi della persecuzione dei Cristiani, nel mondo.

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