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Israel Reveals Millions In Cash Found Sent By Iran To Hamas

Israel Reveals Millions In Cash Found Sent By Iran To Hamas

Tel Aviv: On Thursday, Israel’s Minister of Defence, Yoav Gallant, revealed envelopes filled with cash funds transferred from Iran directly to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.This came during a visit to the IDF’s Document and Technical Means Collection Unit, where he was briefed on the latest findings gathered by troops in Gaza. There, Minister Gallant toured the various departments involved in sorting

U.S. Lawmakers Condemn Political Violence, Restrictions On Freedom of Expression During Pakistan Elections

U.S. Lawmakers Condemn Political Violence, Restrictions On Freedom of Expression During Pakistan Elections

Washington: Amid the counting of votes in Pakistan, US Congress lawmakers have condemned the use of political violence, cell phone service shutdowns and restrictions on freedom of expression in the country.US Congresswoman Dina Titus has condemned the use of political violence and the restriction on freedom of expression in Pakistan. She called free and fair elections the cornerstone of a

Passaggio di consegne tra Nave Duilio e Nave Martinengo

Passaggio di consegne tra Nave Duilio e Nave Martinengo

Il cacciatorpediniere della Marina Militare “Caio Duilio” ha effettuato il passaggio di consegne con la fregata “Federico Martinengo”, impegnata in Mar Rosso nell’assicurare la vigilanza marittima e nella protezione delle unità mercantili in transito per garantire la libertà delle rotte commerciali.

L’attività, avviata in seguito agli attacchi da parte dei miliziani Houthi contro il traffico in navigazione nello stretto di Bab-el Mandeb, è finalizzata a garantire la tutela degli interessi nazionali nella cruciale via di comunicazione marittima di accesso al Mar Mediterraneo.

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