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Il corpo dei Marines si rinnova partendo dai Medium Tactical Vehicles

Il corpo dei Marines si rinnova partendo dai Medium Tactical Vehicles

L’eccellenza del corpo dei Marine si basa sugli investimenti e ancor più sul sapersi rinnovare con rapidità, anche nell’ambito dei veicoli tattici-logistici. Questo è quello che sostiene Ashley Calingo, addetta alla pubblica informazione e comunicazione dello U.S. Marine Corps.

A tal proposito è il venture capitalist Josh Wolfe cofondatore della Lux Capital, fra i primi nella Silicon Valley a spingere sull’ampliamento tecnologico della Difesa.

India – Italia, interazione tra le industrie della Difesa

India – Italia, interazione tra le industrie della Difesa

“Veniamo da un anno importante, il 2023, per India e Italia, con la firma dell’Accordo di Cooperazione tra i due Stati retto da principi di uguaglianza, reciprocità, interesse e rispetto reciproco” così, ieri pomeriggio, il sottosegretario di Stato alla difesa Matteo Perego di Cremnago nel suo indirizzo di saluto alla delegazione interforze del College of Defence Management indiana  “è per me un grande onore dare il benvenuto a ciascuno di voi a questo incontro cruciale, dove discutiamo e rafforziamo gli sforzi di collaborazione tra Italia e India nel settore della difesa – una

India Is Planning To Develop And Introduce 12 More ‘Eyes In The Sky’ Spy Aircraft

India Is Planning To Develop And Introduce 12 More ‘Eyes In The Sky’ Spy Aircraft

According to a Times of India report, India is planning to develop and introduce 12 more "eyes in the sky" to counter the air surveillance advancements of China and Pakistan. These are advanced indigenous airborne early-warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.This initiative aims to enhance surveillance and detection along the borders with China and Pakistan, and will also assist in guiding

Chinese Spy Ship Booted Out By Sir Lanka; Welcomes Indian Submarine

Chinese Spy Ship Booted Out By Sir Lanka; Welcomes Indian Submarine

In a notable diplomatic move, Sri Lanka took a decisive step by closing its ports to a Chinese submarine and research vessel whereas the nation extended a warm welcome to the Indian Navy submarine INS Karanj, just ahead of its Independence Day celebrations.On its way to Colombo Port, the Indian Navy submarine INS Karanj arrived before the scheduled arrival of China’s People Liberation Army (PLA)

Indian Navy’s Action On Houthis Illustrates Its Capacity As Net Security Provider: Us Assistant Secretary of State For Energy Resources

Indian Navy’s Action On Houthis Illustrates Its Capacity As Net Security Provider: Us Assistant Secretary of State For Energy Resources

Washington: US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Geoffrey R Pyatt on Monday lauded Indian Navy action against the Houthis and said it shows India’s capacity as a net security provider in the wider region benefits the United States.Responding to ANI’s question on India-US relations in energy security amid the global crisis, Pyatt said, "We are living through a moment of

India-US Defence Deal: America Says ‘MQ9-B Drones Will Provide India With Enhanced Maritime Security’

India-US Defence Deal: America Says ‘MQ9-B Drones Will Provide India With Enhanced Maritime Security’

The United States stated that selling General Atomics MQ9-B armed drones would provide India with enhanced maritime security and domain awareness capability. This comes days after the US Department approved a sale of MQ-9B remotely piloted aircraft and related equipment for an estimated 3.99 billion Dollars to India.The projected mega drone agreement was revealed during Prime Minister Narendra

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