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Genocide Charge Against Israel ‘False’, ‘Outrageous’: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Genocide Charge Against Israel ‘False’, ‘Outrageous’: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Tel Aviv: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the genocide charge levelled against Israel is "outrageous" and "decent people everywhere should reject it.""The charge of genocide levelled against Israel is not only false, it’s outrageous, and decent people everywhere should reject it," the Israeli PM said in response to the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) decision on

Sindh Freedom Movement Condemns Pakistan’s ‘False’ Sedition Case Lodged Against Party Leaders

Sindh Freedom Movement Condemns Pakistan’s ‘False’ Sedition Case Lodged Against Party Leaders

Islamabad: The Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM), a political party working for the freedom of Sindhu Desh, have condemned the "false" sedition case against the party’s leaders in Sindh, noting that the Pakistan state has registered a sedition case against them.They stated that the state has lodged a case against JSFM leaders Shoban Lashari, Adil Hameed Sargani, Jameel Ahmed Shoro and other

Il 2° blocco VFI 2023 grida “LO GIURO”

Il 2° blocco VFI 2023 grida “LO GIURO”

Presso la caserma “Oreste Salomone” sede del 17° reggimento addestramento volontari (RAV) “Acqui”, i volontari in ferma iniziale (VFI) dell’Esercito Italiano, appartenenti al 2° blocco del 2023, hanno giurato fedeltà alla Repubblica Italiana.

Alla cerimonia, presieduta dal comandante per la formazione, specializzazione e dottrina dell’Esercito, generale di corpo d’armata Carlo Lamanna, hanno preso parte autorità militari, civili e religiose locali e i familiari dei giurandi.

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