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Employees of University of Baluchistan Without Pay For Past Three Months, Demand Release of Salaries

Employees of University of Baluchistan Without Pay For Past Three Months, Demand Release of Salaries

Islamabad: Leaders of the joint action committee, including Professor Kaleemullah Barech, Shah Ali Bugti, Nazir Ahmed Lehri, Fareed Khan Achakzai, and others, on Sunday said that the professors and employees of the University of Baluchistan (UoB) have not received salaries and pensions for the past three months, despite 24 days having passed in March, Pakistan-based Dawn reported.Leaders of the

Baloch Rights Activist Counters Pakistani Propaganda Against Forcibly Disappeared Individuals

Baloch Rights Activist Counters Pakistani Propaganda Against Forcibly Disappeared Individuals

Quetta: Prominent Baloch rights leader Sammi Deen Baloch on has countered the blame of forcibly disappeared individuals joining the armed rebellion against the Pakistani administration.In a video message, Sammi narrated that the Pakistani administration has employed its entire resources to prove that all the forcibly disappeared individuals are terrorists and are involved in anti-Pakistan

In memoria del Generale Paolo Inzerilli

In memoria del Generale Paolo Inzerilli

Era soddisfatto di quello che aveva fatto e avuto nel periodo del cappello alpino e per i 17 anni da 007. Non era molto felice di quello che gli è successo dall’estate ’90 in poi, i cui strascichi continuavano.

Termininava così una lunga intervista che ebbi occasione di fare, anni fa, con entusiasmo. Sentimento che, chiunque lo incontrava (e che ama la Storia del nostro paese), percepiva dentro di lui.

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