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India, US Co-Chair AML/CFT Dialogue, Agree To Improve Cooperation Against Money Laundering, Terror Financing

India, US Co-Chair AML/CFT Dialogue, Agree To Improve Cooperation Against Money Laundering, Terror Financing

New Delhi: India and the United States co-chaired the US-India Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Dialogue, and agreed to improve cooperation and information sharingThe Dialogue took place on Wednesday here in the national capital. It was co-chaired by US Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian Nelson and India’s Revenue Secretary,

Massive Protests Erupt In Baluchistan After Alarming Rise In Extrajudicial Killings, Enforced Disappearances

Massive Protests Erupt In Baluchistan After Alarming Rise In Extrajudicial Killings, Enforced Disappearances

Baluchistan: Large-scale protests have erupted across Baluchistan after an alarming rise in cases of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances spanning different demographics in the region, the Human Rights Council of Baluchistan (HRCB) stated in a report.Notably, the month of November witnessed an alarming rise in cases of human rights violations throughout Baluchistan.65 incidents of

UK Parliamentarians Laud India’s Achievements Under PM Modi’s Leadership

UK Parliamentarians Laud India’s Achievements Under PM Modi’s Leadership

London: In a notable event organised by the Indian Minorities Foundation in London, UK parliamentarians came together to celebrate the achievements of India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The ‘Namaste London: Resurgence of a New India’ event not only acknowledged India’s progress but also honoured the significant contributions of the Indian Diaspora to both their host and

India’s Uma Sekhar Gets Elected To Governing Council of UNIDROIT In Historic Victory

India’s Uma Sekhar Gets Elected To Governing Council of UNIDROIT In Historic Victory

Rome: In a historic decision, India’s first woman candidate, Uma Sekhar, was elected to the Governing Council of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) on Thursday, according to sources.Notably, the Governing Council consists of 25 positions, all of which are held by distinguished legal experts.According to the sources, the candidates from Russia, the USA and

Ing. Davide Ariu (Pluribus One): “Ci servono degli ottimi ingegneri del software”

Ing. Davide Ariu (Pluribus One): “Ci servono degli ottimi ingegneri del software”

Come ormai di consueto, proseguiamo la serie di interviste a società italiane che operano nel mondo della cyber e più in generale delle nuove tecnologie, protagoniste nello scenario italiano. Oggi intervistiamo l’ingegner Davide Ariu, cofondatore della società Pluribus One.

Prima di parlare di cyber security e Intelligenza Artificiale può parlarci brevemente di lei, del suo ruolo in Pluribus One e della azienda che rappresenta?

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