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Marine Corps Orders Low-Cost Littoral USV

Marine Corps Orders Low-Cost Littoral USV

Martin Defense Group, Honolulu, Hawaii, is awarded a $54,435,390 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the development of low-cost littoral Unmanned Surface Vessels for Mobility Enhancement (USVME).

Technologies to sustain Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO) in austere and remote environmen…

US Air Force Gives Boeing $16M to Study AWACS Replacement

US Air Force Gives Boeing $16M to Study AWACS Replacement

The Boeing Co., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has been awarded a $16,315,421 definitization contract for the E-3 Replacement Studies and Analysis.

This contract provides for studies and analysis for the replacement of the E-3. Work will be performed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and is expected to be c…

Transfer Now Underway of US-Funded Mi-17 Helicopters to Ukraine

Transfer Now Underway of US-Funded Mi-17 Helicopters to Ukraine

ISLAMABAD — The United States is giving Ukraine 16 Mi-17 helicopters that Washington had procured for Afghanistan, a U.S. government agency charged with monitoring Afghan events said Wednesday.

The Department of Defense (DOD) notified Congress in January that it intended to give the Ukrainian g…

US Army Adds Javelin Anti-Tank Missile to Stryker Turret

US Army Adds Javelin Anti-Tank Missile to Stryker Turret

FORT CARSON, Colo. — Leaders of 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division gathered at the installation’s ranges on April 28 to witness the culmination and validation of the brigade’s year-long journey to become the U.S. Army’s most modern and lethal ground fighting force with the addi…
Schiebel Says It Won Australian Navy Camcopter Contract

Schiebel Says It Won Australian Navy Camcopter Contract

Schiebel Pacific welcomes the decision of the Commonwealth of Australia to speed up the provision of its UAS capability by initiating a single source acquisition of the Camcopter S-100.

This will enable the Royal Australian Navy to accelerate the capability acquisition they need and, together wi…

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