US Army Leaders, Experts Collaborate to Meet Future Equipping Demands
Lt. Gen. Donnie Walker, Army Materiel Command deputy commanding general, provide…
Lt. Gen. Donnie Walker, Army Materiel Command deputy commanding general, provide…
With the particip…
Pozzuoli (Napoli). Oggi, nella sede dell’Accademia Aeronautica di Pozzuoli (Napoli) l’ingegnere Massimo Claudio Comparini, amministratore delegato di Thales Alenia Space...
SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM – “SVPPBELLUM.BLOGSPOT.COM” ….La guerra all’Ucraina ci deve insegnare che, se vuoi vivere in pace, devi...
The delivery comes after repeated appeals from Kyiv for better weapons and ammunition as it seeks to hold off Russ…
As part of the 2022 budget process, the funds for …