Watchdog Issues New Pentagon ‘Poppycock’ Report
Takes a licking, but keeps on ticking
Grim times for the military-industrial com…
Takes a licking, but keeps on ticking
Grim times for the military-industrial com…
BAE Systems to develop tools to decipher an ever-growing number of radio frequency (RF) signals in order to quickly and accurately help s…
This contract is a t…
“ SVPPBELLUM.BLOGSPOT.COM Si vis pacem para bellum “ Il Sukhoi Su-75 “Checkmate” (russo: Сухой Су-75; LTS, abbreviazione di Light Tactical...
Da ieri la fregata lanciamissili (FREMM) Carlo Bergamini prende ufficialmente parte all’operazione a guida europea “EUNAVFOR Somalia – Operazione...