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Nuove Centauro per una nuova Cavalleria

Nuove Centauro per una nuova Cavalleria

Prosegue l’approvvigionamento di blindo pesanti CENTAURO II 8×8 destinati ad equipaggiare i reggimenti di Cavalleria di Linea dell’Esercito Italiano. Oggi è stato firmato è stato siglato dalla Direzione degli Armamenti Terrestri (DAT) e dalla Società consortile Iveco – OTO Melara il contratto per la fornitura di 86 blindo pesanti CENTAURO II 8×8, con una possibile opzione per ulteriori 10 veicoli.

Philippine Navy’s new frigates will only get its missiles in October next year

The Philippine Navy’s new Jose Rizal-class guided missile frigates will only get its first shipment of missiles starting from Octover 2021. Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Rawad Madanat, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons “(Deliveries for) the surface-to-air missile is (on) October 2021 and March 2022 for the surface-to-surface missile,” Navy public affairs office chief, Lt. […]

French Air Force Rafales heading to India next month for joint exercise

French Air Force Rafales will descend upon Jodhpur, India in the third week of next month for exercise SKYPROS with the Indian Air Force. Infilight, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Anonymous sources quoted by the local media say this exercise is different from the Garuda series of exercise that has been carried out by […]

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