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Massive Type 31 Frigate Building Hall Unveiled in Rosyth

Massive Type 31 Frigate Building Hall Unveiled in Rosyth

A vast building hall for the Royal Navy’s next-generation Type 31 frigates has been unveiled in Rosyth.

A vast building hall for the Royal Navy’s Type 31 frigates has been welcomed by Defence Secretary Ben Wallace as a major milestone in building the next-generation frigates.

Type 31s, which a…

Leonardo Borrows €200M from EIB for Tech Development

Leonardo Borrows €200M from EIB for Tech Development

ROME — Leonardo and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have signed a loan agreement of 200 million euros.

The financing has the purpose of supporting the investment projects planned in the Group’s Industrial Plan against the background of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This further loan b…

Hungary orders ELM-2084 radars

Hungary has decided to replace the Soviet-era P-37, PRV-17 and ST-68U radars with the ELM-2084 radar made by Israel. By United States Missile Defense Agency [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons The contract was signed with Rheinmetall Canada last week by Chief of the Staff Lt. Gen. Ferenc Korom. Deliveries will start from 2022. For more […]
Cappuccetto rosso e la scalata oltre la nuvola (come diventare un hacker)

Cappuccetto rosso e la scalata oltre la nuvola (come diventare un hacker)

“C’era una volta il mondo reale…” Fra cento anni con questa premessa racconteremo una favola per fare andare a nanna i nostri bis-bis nipoti. Cominceremo parlando di una dolce bimbetta a cui la nonna regalò una cappa di velluto rosso che lei indossò per mettersi al computer prima di entrare nel cloud del cyber-domain. Cappuccetto rosso voleva diventare una hacker

Il generale Austin: una scelta felice per la Difesa USA?

Il generale Austin: una scelta felice per la Difesa USA?

Fonti vicine al neo eletto presidente Joe Biden fanno sapere che la scelta del prossimo segretario alla Difesa è caduta sull’ex generale Lloyd James Austin III. Riprende quindi il trend, iniziato nella scorsa Amministrazione, di scegliere un ex generale per ricoprire l’incarico di dirigere il Pentagono.

Norinco’s Type 90, SWS2 and CS/SA1

China’s CCTV channel 7 recently did a video on Norinco’s Type 90 twin 35 mm anti-aircraft gun system, CS/SA1 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) and the SWS2 35mm 8×8 wheeled SPAAG. It is said that the SWS2 lost the competition for a PLA contract and the winner is a 8×8 solution with a six-barrel 25mm gun […]

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