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Conclusa l’esercitazione “Lince-Civetta”

Conclusa l’esercitazione “Lince-Civetta”

Si è conclusa nei giorni scorsi, presso la sede del 33° reggimento EW di Treviso, l’esercitazione denominata “Lince-Civetta”, volta ad affinare l’uso dei sistemi peculiari della guerra elettronica.
L’attività si è svolta nel pieno rispetto delle misure per il contrasto alla diffusione del contagio da CoViD-19 e ha visto il personale del 33° reggimento EW, al comando del colonnello Ettore Pontiroli, addestrarsi in scenari creati appositamente per l’impiego ottimale degli apparati specialistici in dotazione.

France Awards $2 Bn Order for Three E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes

France Awards $2 Bn Order for Three E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes

Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces, approved on November 4, 2020 the acquisition of three E-2D Advanced Hawkeye airborne early warning and command aircraft.

Managed by the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), this acquisition will be made under a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreem…

First EU Defense Review Admits Military Shortfalls

First EU Defense Review Admits Military Shortfalls

BRUSSELS — The European Union acknowledged on Friday that it lacks the capabilities to meet its goal – pushed most strongly by its biggest members – to become a standalone military power able to help NATO or deploy troops rapidly to regional crises.

Seeking to address major shortfalls, the EU’s…

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