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Ukraine, Jordan May Cooperate More Actively in Defense

Ukraine, Jordan May Cooperate More Actively in Defense

On November 3, Minister of Defence of Ukraine Andrii Taran held a meeting with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Jordanian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Yousef Huneiti. It was noted that Ukraine and Jordan have significant potential for more active cooperation in the military-techni…
AFRL Inaugurates Newest Lab for Space Capabilities

AFRL Inaugurates Newest Lab for Space Capabilities

KIRTLAND AFB, N.M. — The Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Oct. 29 to usher in its newest construction project, the Deployable Structures Laboratory, or DeSel, for short.

Construction of the $4 million, 7,000+ square foot laboratory began …

20° corso “Certezza” termina iter formativo

20° corso “Certezza” termina iter formativo

Si è concluso, presso la Scuola di Cavalleria di Lecce, il percorso di formazione e addestramento di dodici marescialli del 20° corso “Certezza” provenienti dalla Scuola Sottufficiali dell’Esercito di Viterbo, con il conseguimento dell’incarico di comandante di unità blindo-corazzata.

La classe Steregushchiy, corvette multiruolo in continua trasformazione

La classe Steregushchiy, corvette multiruolo in continua trasformazione

Nate inizialmente come Project 20380, al fine si sostituire le vecchie classe Grisha ed equipaggiare tutte le flotte della Voyenno-Morskoi Flot, queste corvette missilistiche multiruolo ottimizzate per operazioni nelle zone litoranee sono in grado di essere utilizzate con funzioni antinave, antisom e supporto di fuoco a sbarchi terrestri.

RoKAF stands up 39th Reconnaissance Wing

RoKAF stands up 39th Reconnaissance Wing

The Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF) has stand up the 39th Reconnaissance Wing on Nov. 3. The new Wing will take charge of assets such as the RQ-4, RF-16s and RC-800. These aircraft were previously assigned to the 19th Fighter Wing. For more information, hit the Source below Source

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