Army & IAF Intensify Hunt For Advanced Anti-Drone Systems
Anti Drone System from Zen Technologies works on detection, classification, tracking on passive surveillance, camera sensors & neutralisation of the...
Anti Drone System from Zen Technologies works on detection, classification, tracking on passive surveillance, camera sensors & neutralisation of the...
The Indian American community has shown strong support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the United States and...
One of Taiwan’s newly developed AT-5 Brave Eagle advanced trainer aircraft crashed onto the sea during a training flight off Taitung...
Electric aircraft startup Eviation has laid off most of its staff, as it struggles to raise fresh funds, reported The...
{loadposition bannertop} {loadposition sidebarpub} The Greek company SAS Technology completed a three-day live-fire testing campaign for its Sarisa II (also...
Il Libano non trova pace e difficilmente ci riuscirà. Passato dalle influenze siriane a quelle iraniane, continua a pagare lo scotto per la sua posizione geografica, per la sua ingovernabile polietnia, per una debolezza istituzionale fisiologica che permette un paradossale parallelismo tra uno stato evanescente e un’organizzazione para-statale che, di fatto, batte il ritmo degli eventi.
L’esercito è, al momento, il primo tra gli attori non pervenuti.