AvioBlog Magazine Tutte le ultime notizie aeronautiche

Sulla via del LOCKDOWN: trombati i bus privati e militari in stand by?

Sulla via del LOCKDOWN: trombati i bus privati e militari in stand by?

Asfaltatura delle strade capitoline e monnezza, sono tra le più recenti emergenze organizzative dove – senza imbarazzo istituzionale – si è pensato bene di pescare nel cilindro la soluzione militare, senz’altro la più organizzata ed efficiente. Del resto viviamo un periodo dove il susseguirsi di confusionari Dpcm hanno portato il premier Conte a interpellare i signori Ferragnez per sensibilizzare all’uso delle mascherine.

Moscow suggests repaying state debts to South Korea with helicopters

Russian Deputy Prime Minister has suggested to South Korean Deputy Prime Minister that Moscow could repay its state debt to South Korea by delivering helicopters to the country. aeroprints.com, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Yury Trutnev had a video conference call with Hong Nam-ki. Trutnev’s press service said in a statement that both sides […]

T-6 flagship of 39th FTS painted in WW2 P-51 colors

The 39th Flying Training Squadron’s T-6 flagship was recently repainted to match the scheme of the P-51 Mustang flown during WW2 by Capt. Leroy Grosshuesch. Grosshuesch was commander of the then-designated 39th Fighter Squadron when he sank a Japanese destroyer off Goto Retto near Kyushu, Japan on Jul. 30, 1945. For more information, hit the […]

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