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France propose selling 6 second-hand A330s converted to MRTTs to India

France has propose selling six MRTT aerial tankers to India in a government-to-government deal that invovles converting second-hand A330 airliners. ERIC SALARD from PARIS, FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons These former passenger airplanes are between five to seven years in age and France will certify them for 30 years of lifespan. Another alternative […]
Afghanistan: cambio alla direzione del CAI-I

Afghanistan: cambio alla direzione del CAI-I

Ha avuto luogo presso Camp Arena, sede del Train Advise Assist Command West, l’avvicendamento alla direzione del Centro Amministrativo d’Intendenza – Interforze (CAI-I), la componente della missione in Afghanistan che gestisce e cura gli aspetti tecnico-amministrativi e logistici in supporto alle operazioni condotte dal contingente italiano.

Il colonnello Carmelo Bonomo, dopo oltre sei mesi di intenso e proficuo lavoro, ha ceduto l’incarico al collega parigrado Francesco Merola, entrambi provenienti dall’Aeronautica Militare.

FMS Sales Accounted for Just 25% of $176Bn US Arms Sales in FY20

FMS Sales Accounted for Just 25% of $176Bn US Arms Sales in FY20

WASHINGTON — DSCA Director Heidi Grant and R. Clarke Cooper, Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, announced the Fiscal Year 2020 U.S. arms transfer figures, as well as other notable Defense and State Department accomplishments and statistics, highlighting the depth and brea…
June 2021 Paris Air Show Canceled over Covid

June 2021 Paris Air Show Canceled over Covid

PARIS — In light of the uncertainty linked to the current COVID-19 health crisis, the Paris Air Show organization has made the decision to cancel the 2021 edition of the show, which was scheduled to take place from 21 to 27 June 2021.

Together with the Board of Directors of the GIFAS (French Ae…

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