AvioBlog Magazine Tutte le ultime notizie aeronautiche

Le Scuole Militari in addestramento

Le Scuole Militari in addestramento

Nei giorni scorsi si è conclusa l’attività addestrativa che, dal 31 agosto scorso e per la durata di due settimane, ha visto impegnati gli allievi delle Scuole Militari dell’Esercito “Nunziatella” e “Teuliè” con l’obiettivo di consolidare le conoscenze tecnico-tattiche finora apprese e migliorare l’addestramento individuale e di team.

Philippine Air Force lost a S-76 air ambulance

Philippine Air Force lost a S-76 air ambulance

The Philippine Air Force lost a Sikorsky S-76A air ambulance on Sept. 16 due to bad weather. The two pilots and two air crew members in the aircraft were killed in the crash. The helicopter belonged to the 545th squadron. They were on their way to Jolo, Sulu to pick up a patient when the […]

GE delivers first F110 engines for F-15EX

GE says it has delivered its first F110-GE-129 engines for the F-15EX program. Alex R. Lloyd / Public domain The aerospace company had secured a Lot 1 contract to produce 19 F110-GE-129 engines. “GE’s F110 production line is fully operational and ready to serve the F-15EX program in support of the National Defense Strategy,” said […]

AvioBlog - Tutte le ultime notizie aeronautiche civili e militari