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Airbus Unit Satair Takes Over A220 Material Management Services

Airbus Unit Satair Takes Over A220 Material Management Services

TOULOUSE, France — Airbus Canada Limited Partnership has officially transferred the overall A220 material management services offer to Satair, as part of the programme integration into Airbus.

Since July, Satair, an Airbus services company, has taken the lead on global material support and ser…

NASSCO Lays Keel for Second T-AO Replenishment Ship

NASSCO Lays Keel for Second T-AO Replenishment Ship

SAN DIEGO — The keel for the future USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO 206), the Navy’s second John Lewis-class fleet replenishment oiler, was laid at General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (GD NASSCO), Sep. 3.

Due to ongoing health concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the keel…

UNIFIL: donati impianti a cooperativa lattiero casearia

UNIFIL: donati impianti a cooperativa lattiero casearia

​Aumentare considerevolmente i volumi di raccolta e di conservazione del latte proveniente dai soci produttori, incrementando così una produzione casearia diversificata e di qualità a chilometro zero che, facendo ricorso a manodopera del posto, possa ingenerare ricadute economiche positive sul territorio.

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