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Gli abusivi di Maria

Gli abusivi di Maria

Il prossimo 18 settembre ci sarà l’inaugurazione del “Dipartimento di studi e monitoraggio dei fenomeni criminali e mafiosi”. Creato dalla Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internazionale, ‘Liberare Maria dalle mafie e dal potere criminale’, sarà un Dipartimento di analisi e di monitoraggio dei fenomeni criminali e mafiosi, associati alla figura di Maria, e ai suoi simboli e riti riconfigurati sia dalla criminalità organizzata che dalle Mafie.

Final assembly of the first KF-X prototype

Final assembly of the first KF-X prototype

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has started the final assembly of the KF-X prototype. The video of the assebmly taking place in Sacheon, South Korea from KAI shows the four semi-recessed fuselage stations for missiles.

MHI to get contract for F-X fighter development next month

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) will receive the contract to be the prime contractor for the development of the F-X fighter in October. Graphic: Japan Ministry of Defense This was announced by Defense Minister Tarō Kōno during a press breifing on Sept. 1. Kōno added that seven foreign companies have approached to signal their interest in […]

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