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Esercitazione multinazionale Eunomia 2020

Esercitazione multinazionale Eunomia 2020

Mediterraneo Orientale. Il cacciatorpediniere Luigi Durand de La Penne della Marina Militare, ha preso parte all’esercitazione multinazionale EUNOMIA 2020, nell’ambito dell’iniziativa denominata “Cooperazione quadripartita Italia – Francia – Cipro – Grecia”.

Su-57 getting radar-deflecting covers for ground use

The Su-57 fighter will be covered with special covers that help deflect radar and protect parts of the aircraft from weather. Rulexip [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons The protective covers will be used on the fuselage, wings, cockpit, stabilisers, air intakes, wheels and other components. For more information, hit the Source below Source

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