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Canada Analyzing Results of Boeing 737 MAX Flight Tests: Minister

Canada Analyzing Results of Boeing 737 MAX Flight Tests: Minister

OTTAWA, Ontario — “Transport Canada continues to work extensively with the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and civil aviation authorities in Europe and Brazil throughout the validation process of the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft.

“Transport Canada will not lift the flight restr…

SRC Wins $950M Contract to Support ABMS Development

SRC Wins $950M Contract to Support ABMS Development

SYRACUSE, NY — SRC, Inc., has been awarded a $950,000,000 ceiling indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for the maturation, demonstration and proliferation of capability across platforms and domains, leveraging open systems design, modern software and algorithm development in order to e…
Mali: soldati, jihad e contrabbando

Mali: soldati, jihad e contrabbando

L’Africa continua a rivestire un ruolo di sensibile importanza geopolitica, malgrado un palpabile disinteresse nazionale; spostiamo dunque il focus sul Mali, a torto considerato marginalmente da main stream poco interessati all’ennesima transizione istituzionale africana.

US Builds Air Base for Nigerian A-29 Super Tucanos

US Builds Air Base for Nigerian A-29 Super Tucanos

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio –– Construction of new facilities to support an A-29 Super Tucano wing at an air base in Nigeria, has started, after the Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate’s Foreign Military Sales Construction Division awarded a $36.1 million contract to the United…

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