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Australian Army in Field Trials of Metal 3D Printing

Australian Army in Field Trials of Metal 3D Printing

Top End soldiers will deploy the WarpSPEE3D metal printer for the second time during a year-long trial between the Australian Army and Darwin based tech company, SPEE3D.

Soldiers from the 1st Combat Service Support Battalion (1CSSB) will use the 4,500kg 3D metal printing capability to print genui…

F-35B, conclusa la sperimentazione per il rifornimento veloce a terra con velivolo ad ala fissa

F-35B, conclusa la sperimentazione per il rifornimento veloce a terra con velivolo ad ala fissa

Si è recentemente conclusa, presso la base del 32° stormo di Amendola, la prima attività, a livello nazionale, di Rapid Ground HOT Refuelling con velivolo ad ala fissa, ovvero la sperimentazione della capacità di Rapid Ground Refuelling (RGR) dal velivolo KC-130J al velivolo F-35B mediante l’utilizzo dell’equipaggiamento Air Landed Aircraft Refuelling Point (ALARP).

Loyal Wingman is out in the open for taxi trials

Loyal Wingman is out in the open for taxi trials

Australian Defense reports that the Boeing Australia’s Loyal Wingman prototype unmanned aircraft has been spotted out in the open and is being prepared for taxi trials. While the actual location was not disclosed, it is likely to be in Amberley. A Boeing spokesperson confirmed that the first flight will take place this year. Australia is […]

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