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LIBIA: reintegrato Bashagha con poteri dimezzati. La vittoria di Sarraj e l’occasione per l’Italia

LIBIA: reintegrato Bashagha con poteri dimezzati. La vittoria di Sarraj e l’occasione per l’Italia

Prima escluso, poi reintegrato giovedì scorso ma politicamente ridimensionato, questa la parabola del ministro dell’Interno tripolino Fathi Bashagha (v.articolo).

Bashagha, volto politico delle potenti milizie di Misurata, esponente di punta del milieu filo-turco nella capitale libica, vera “quinta colonna” di Erdogan in seno al GNA, era il principale rivale del primo ministro Fayez al-Sarraj.

Austria will enter negotiations with Indonesia for the sale of 15 Eurofighters

Austria’s Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner has officially responded to Indonesia’s request to buy 15 Eurofighters from her country. Tanner said she had directed the General Staff to prepare for negotiations with Jakarta. She said the “exit from the Eurofighter system” is the declared goal and the sale is in the best interest of taxpayers. Two […]
Japan to take delivery of JSM in March 2022

Japan to take delivery of JSM in March 2022

Japan is set to take delivery of the Joint Strike Missile (JSM) in March 2022, the defense ministry has revealed. The missile is to be mounted on the JASDF F-35A fleet. Tokyo placed two orders for the JSM with Kongsberg in March and November last year. For more information, hit the Source below Source

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