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Armenian suicide drone in action

Armenian suicide drone in action

A video purported to be from the TV camera of a an Armenian-made suicide drone taking out its target has been released. The footage was shared by Minister of High-Tech Industry Hakob Arshakyan. Clashes between the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces have been occuring on and off since Jul. 12 last month near Movses in […]

F-35A flagships of 354th Fighter Wing have arrived at Eielson AFB

Three new F-35As designated as flagships for the 354th Fighter Wing, and the 356th and 355th Fighter Squadrons have arrived at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, Jul. 30. Eielson’s newest and youngest F-35A pilot, 1st Lt. Billy Mullis, 356th FS, had the rare opportunity to fly the 354th FW flagship home from Texas. For more […]
First QF-16 to roll out from AMARG

First QF-16 to roll out from AMARG

The first QF-16 Full-Scale Aerial Target to undergo conversion at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) located at Davis-Montha Air Force Base has been delivered to Tyndall Air Force Base last month. This second modification line is carried out under a public-private partnership between AMARG and Boeing to supplement ongoing QF-16 work at […]
Dialogo tra due soldati in una realtà surreale

Dialogo tra due soldati in una realtà surreale

Le immagini che scorrono sullo schermo dello smartphone hanno qualcosa di surreale: due soldati dell’esercito italiano (anfibi, tuta mimetica e giubbetto anti-proiettile) camminano sotto un sole torrido in prossimità del mare. Sono un uomo e una donna, distanziati una decina di metri l’uno dall’altra; lui procede guardingo, pistola Beretta 92 al cinturone, mentre lei, mitragliatore Beretta ARX 170 spianato e caricatore inserito, sembra dare copertura al commilitone. Se saputo impiegare l’ARX può fare secchi fino a 30 nemici o terroristi che siano.

AvioBlog - Tutte le ultime notizie aeronautiche civili e militari