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Shenyang’s losing J-20 design Snow Owl is officially revealed

Shenyang’s losing submission for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) stealth fighter competition has been revealed officially for the first time. China Central Television (CCTV) has produced a second series of its documentary Memory of Military Industry – 军工记忆 – and in episode five, the subject was the Shenyang J-11. In the video, viewers […]
18 AH-64s over Germany

18 AH-64s over Germany

Despite COVID-19, the U.S. Army’s 1st Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment (1-3 ARB) 12th Combat Aviation Brigade was able to launch 18 AH-64 attack helicopters from Katterbach Army Airfield in Ansbach, Germany for a training mission on May 26.
L’Egitto si prepara ad entrare in Libia

L’Egitto si prepara ad entrare in Libia

Se le milizie turche, che appoggiano al-Sarraj, attaccheranno Sirte, le forze armate egiziane entreranno in Cirenaica per sostenere Haftar.

Quindi l’escalation che tutti temono potrebbe verificarsi entro breve tempo, dipende dai piani di Ankara: accontentarsi della Tripolitania oppure cercare di riunificare la Libia, sotto l’ombrello turco ovviamente.

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