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FCMS Consortium Sets Course for Future FCAS

FCMS Consortium Sets Course for Future FCAS

TAUFKIRCHEN, Germany — After signing the Future Combat Mission System consortium agreement during the Paris Air Show a good year ago, FCMS GbR presented its capabilities and strategic contributions on the way to the successful realisation of the Future Combat Air System at the 2nd FCAS Summit in B…
Rolls-Royce to Accelerate Future Aerospace Technologies

Rolls-Royce to Accelerate Future Aerospace Technologies

A new project led by Rolls-Royce with support from the ATI Programme will make future aerospace servicing technologies a reality.

Engineers will work on 20 technologies that will reduce disruption for airlines and lessen our environmental impact by repairing components rather than scrapping them….

China Military Modernization to Continue for Next Five Years

China Military Modernization to Continue for Next Five Years

China will develop and produce modern, advanced weapons and equipment in the upcoming five years, as the world could witness the debut of China’s first long-range, stealth-capable strategic bomber, the country’s third and electromagnetic catapults-equipped aircraft carrier, among other new weapons t…
Nave Luigi Rizzo ha fatto ingresso in bacino

Nave Luigi Rizzo ha fatto ingresso in bacino

Il 20 ottobre Nave Rizzo è entrata in bacino nel porto di La Spezia.

L’ingresso in bacino rappresenta l’ultimo capitolo di un’attività iniziata 83 giorni prima. Dopo la designazione quale flagship dell’Operazione europea di antipirateria nel Corno d’Africa “Atalanta”, l’equipaggio della nave è stato sottoposto a 2 tamponi e ad un periodo di isolamento a bordo di 14 giorni. Tale protocollo ha garantito il raggiungimento della condizione di “COVID free” in linea con le direttive anti-Covid19 in vigore.

AvioBlog - Tutte le ultime notizie aeronautiche civili e militari