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Upgrades to B-52H could reduce crew size from five to four

A new active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar from Raytheon that will be installed on the B-52H bomber might allow the U.S. Air Force to reduce the number of people operating the bomber from five to four. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Eugene Oliver Maj. Gen. Andrew Gebara, director of strategic plans, programs, […]

U.S. Judge bans F-15E and F-15SG aircrews from urban training in Idaho

U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale has ruled that the U.S. Air Force did not carry out a thorough environmental impact statement for training in nine urban centers in Idaho. Those training flights involve the use of two to four F-15E and F-15SG aircrews plus plain-clothed soldiers on the ground to simulate urban combat, the Associated […]

South Korea to replace UH-60P with KUH-1

South Korea is planning to replace 103 of its UH-60P utility helicopters with the local-made KUH-1 helicopter, a lawmaker disclosed. Korea Aerospace Industries / CC BY Rep. Han Ki-ho of the main opposition People Power Party said the government ditched the project to upgrade the UH-60 and will be spending more than five times the […]
La Cina accusa gli Stati Uniti di disturbare i propri abusi. Ma gli USA non sono l’Italia…

La Cina accusa gli Stati Uniti di disturbare i propri abusi. Ma gli USA non sono l’Italia…

Il colonnello Zhang Nandong, portavoce del comando meridionale dell’Esercito Popolare di Liberazione (PLA), ha esortato ieri gli Stati Uniti a interrompere immediatamente le provocazioni, a gestire e controllare rigorosamente le sue operazioni militari marittime e aeree. Secondo il colonnello, il 9 ottobre il cacciatorpediniere statunitense USS John S. McCain sarebbe entrato nelle acque territoriali cinesi al largo delle isole Xisha senza il permesso del governo cinese.

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