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Perché il Giappone abbandona il programma Aegis?

Perché il Giappone abbandona il programma Aegis?

Il  2020 sarà forse ricordato come l’anno del cambio della strategia nazionale: da una postura prettamente difensiva il Giappone potrebbe infatti passare a qualcosa di diverso.
Il Japan National Security Council, organismo creato nel 2013 per supportare il primo ministro nella politica di sicurezza nazionale, ha infatti preso la decisione di abbandonare il programma per l’acquisizione di due sistemi missilistici statunitensi Aegis Ashore. È stato il Ministro della Difesa Taro Kono a darne l’annuncio.

Australia Launches 10-Year, A$270Bn Defense Upgrade

Australia Launches 10-Year, A$270Bn Defense Upgrade

The Morrison Government will invest $270 billion over the next 10 years to upgrade the capability and potency of the Australian Defence Force to keep Australians safe while protecting the country’s interests in a changing global environment.

In its 2020 Defence Strategic Update, released today, t…

Airbus to Cut 15,000 Jobs by Summer 2021

Airbus to Cut 15,000 Jobs by Summer 2021

TOULOUSE, France — Airbus has announced plans to adapt its global workforce and resize its commercial aircraft activity in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This adaptation is expected to result in a reduction of around 15,000 positions no later than summer 2021.

The information and consultatio…

Australia to Buy LRASM, Boost Long-Range Strike Capabilities

Australia to Buy LRASM, Boost Long-Range Strike Capabilities

Australia will invest in new long-range strike capabilities to maintain regional security and deter or respond to aggression in the Indo-Pacific, as part of the 2020 Defence Strategic Update and Force Structure Plan.

The new investments will be made across the air, maritime and land assets to giv…

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