There are some in Japan’s government who would like to have the Aegis Ashore system installed on a maritime platform. Photo: MDA This will prevent Tokyo from breaking the contract and pay a penalty for it. However, the United States has told Japan that the system is meant to be installed on land and putting […]
A small team of about 10 officials from South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) are in Jakarta for negotiations with local officials over the South East Asian country’s participation in the KF-X fighter program. Indonesia had indicated that it wants to reduce its share in the program from the […]
Croatia’s Defence Minister Mario Banozic told the press that a delegation will be dispatched to France, Sweden and United States to validate the bids for the fighter competition that the country is running. By Lipnopower (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons The country received bids from four countries but the press […]
Prosegue lo stretto rapporto nel settore della Difesa fra Israele e l’Italia. Secondo quanto annunciato dal Ministero della Difesa israeliano il 22 settembre il Direttore Generale del ministero della Difesa…
I bombardieri strategici supersonici russi Tupolev Tu-160 hanno stabilito il 20 settembre un record mondiale di distanza e durata di volo non-stop per aerei di questa classe. Lo ha riferito…
L’Aeronautica Militare, nell’ambito delle esercitazioni FIT (Force Integration Training) e Tende Scaglia 2020, ha testato nei giorni scorsi alcune delle capacità pregiate che consentono di estendere il “braccio operativo” degli elicotteri…