Indian and Russian Navies Begin Indra Exercise
Initiated in 2003, Ex INDRA NAVY epitomises the long-term strategic relationship between the two Navies. Whilst th…
Initiated in 2003, Ex INDRA NAVY epitomises the long-term strategic relationship between the two Navies. Whilst th…
Under the GE Total Logistics Support program, the US Navy’s F414 engines will receive prime logistics support in Australia, with selected repair…
EPFs are designed to operate in shallow waterways and are capable of a wide range of activities. The vessels are versatile, non-combatant, transport ships th…
Since July, Satair, an Airbus services company, has taken the lead on global material support and ser…
Due to ongoing health concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the keel…
Aumentare considerevolmente i volumi di raccolta e di conservazione del latte proveniente dai soci produttori, incrementando così una produzione casearia diversificata e di qualità a chilometro zero che, facendo ricorso a manodopera del posto, possa ingenerare ricadute economiche positive sul territorio.