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Il coronavirus ha aggredito l’Italia (e non solo) già a ottobre 2019. Difesa Online conferma che Pechino mente

Il coronavirus ha aggredito l’Italia (e non solo) già a ottobre 2019. Difesa Online conferma che Pechino mente

Non esiste una “versione ufficiale” sul primo caso di COVID-19 nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese, salvo quello riportato dal South China Morning Post e risalente al 17 novembre 20191. Questo perché, come è in grado di consigliare qualunque avvocato appena un po’ esperto al proprio assistito, chi teme di dover affrontare le conseguenze delle proprie azioni e omissioni per prima cosa deve cautelarsi non facendo dichiarazioni che possano comprometterlo.

Russia Delivers ‘Second Batch’ of MiG-29s to Syria

Russia Delivers ‘Second Batch’ of MiG-29s to Syria

Russia has confirmed the delivery of more MiG-29 fighter jets to Syria, just days after the U.S. military accused Moscow of using Syria to transfer warplanes to Libya.

The Russian Embassy in Damascus said on Twitter on June 3 that a “second batch” of advanced MiG-29 fighter jets were handed over …

Up to 14,000 Airbus Jobs At Risk: Report

Up to 14,000 Airbus Jobs At Risk: Report

PARIS — Airbus is looking to hold underlying jet output at 40% below pre-pandemic plans for two years, an approach which adds new pressure to cut thousands of jobs, industry sources said.

The European planemaker has so far announced output cuts of a third from its plans before the coronavirus c…

France Nears €1Bn Crisis Fund for Aero Suppliers

France Nears €1Bn Crisis Fund for Aero Suppliers

PARIS — French government and industry officials are negotiating a 1-billion-euro, privately led investment fund for small aerospace suppliers in which major manufacturers could invest 200 million euros, people familiar with the proposals said on Wednesday.

The scheme mirrors government-backed …

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